Radius International is committed to assisting the evangelical church and missions community by providing pre-field missions training that will equip cross-cultural workers to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached language groups.

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We’d be thrilled to have you on board. Rest Assured, RADIUS training will prepare you for pioneer church-planting to unreached language groups.

RADIUS Resources

Were We Meant to Thrive?

Were We Meant to Thrive?

In a Christian culture that passionately sings “WE WERE MADE TO THRIVE!”, the followers of Jesus have come to understand that Paul talked much about enduring (with joy) and nothing about thriving…in earthly terms. Not only were Paul’s sufferings predicted, but Paul would come to see them as the validation of his Spirit-empowered ministry.

Nina Buser and EmilyBennett Discuss Women in Misisons Today

Nina Buser and EmilyBennett Discuss Women in Misisons Today

How did you balance your time as a wife, mom and a worker? Nina Buser and Emily Bennett discuss women in missions. Both women share from their experiences on the field working among unreached language groups. They cover the topics of parenting, developing friendships overseas, learning language, and their greatest struggles and joys from their time overseas.

Caste And Church Growth Assessment

Caste And Church Growth Assessment

Our goal in this article is to evaluate McGavran’s church growth principles from our own perspective as Indian Christians. We begin with an outline of Donald McGavran’s view of church growth and caste while delineating the positive aspects of McGavran’s model. Second, in order to set a critique of McGavran in context, we briefly describe the caste system in India. Third, we respond to McGavran’s missiology, providing a critique of church growth principles in light of Scripture and our experience in contemporary India.

Language and Culture are Inseparable

You cannot truly know one without the other. Miss these and the gospel you share may not be the gospel at all. To share the life-giving message of hope, we teach our students how to acquire the language and culture together so that when they share this message of life, it is understandable at an adult level.

Language and Culture are Inseparable

You cannot truly know one, without the other. Miss these and the gospel you share may not be the gospel at all. To share the life-giving message of hope, we teach our students how to acquire the language and culture together so that when they share this message of life, it is understandable at an adult level.